School Community Council (SCC)

What is a School Community Council (SCC)?

The School Community Council (known as an SCC) is a group of interested parents, school staff and community members who work with the principal as an advisory group to support the students of the school.

How often does the SCC meet?

* All parents and guardians are welcome to attend all meetings.
SCCs meet at least four times each school year, but many meet more frequently.

You can view the DDSB SCC Meeting Handbook here.

Can I go to my SCC meetings?

Yes, all meetings are open to the public, but you must be a member of the SCC to vote. Meeting dates and times are established at the beginning of the school year. Please look on your schools website, newsletters or phone the school office to find out the meeting dates.

How do I become a member of my SCC?

* All parents and guardians are welcome to attend all meetings.
Complete a nomination form, and return it to the principal at the start of the school year. Elections for the executive parent members, if necessary, will be held during the first month of school.

What will I have to do if I become a voting member of the SCC?

You should plan to attend all SCC meetings during the year and participate in the decision making conducted by the SCC. In addition, many SCC’s help initiate and support the Parent Reaching Out (PRO) grants.


Agendas and Minutes

2023-2024 2024-2025
October 2023: Agenda and Minutes October 2024: Agenda and Minutes  
November 2023: Agenda and Minutes  November 2024: Agenda and Minutes (to be passed)  
December 2023: Agenda and Minutes January 2025: Agenda and Minutes  
January 2024: Agenda and Minutes - meeting canceled    
February 2024: Agenda and Minutes    
March 2024: Agenda and Minutes    
April 2024: Agenda and Minutes    
May 2024: Agenda and Minutes - meeting postponed    
June 2024: Agenda and Minutes(to be passed)